Hill Pony Resources is now a Registered Charity No 1188454 We are passionate about the ponies of Dartmoor, we look forward to a future for them all for future generations to enjoy. In recent years Ponies from Dartmoor have been used as zoo meat, transported abroad as live exports and been promoted as meat for human consumption. We do not agree to or support of the above. Instead we support the reduction of numbers of unwanted foals born on Dartmoor and to help we have held and supported castration clinics. The ponies can then run on the moor as geldings without increasing numbers. We are happy to see that there are less ponies in need than when we first were asked to help rehome herds of on occasion up to 20. We hope that this trend continues. However we are here to help hill ponies when they need us - for example unclaimed ponies, Colts that need to be castrated and any pony at risk of being PTS. In addition to helping with young ponies we can also help elderly ponies who need a safe retirement from the moor. We also will help where owners are no longer able to keep their ponies through ill health or changes in circumstances
As well as providing a long term home we do have ponies available for adoption. We carry out home checks & check references in order to ensure the ponies have the best future possible. We also offer follow up support if needed. We provide long term care for the ponies as if their adopters circumstances change the ponies will return to Hill Pony Resources until they can find another suitable home In order to carry out all of the above we rely on fundraising and donations. If you would like to help please visit our "How you Can Help" section NUMBER OF PONIES THAT HAVE HOMES THROUGH HPR TOTAL - 120+